Acer Trips, Lenovo Next? 联想应避免重蹈宏基覆辙

The folks at Lenovo (HKEx: 992) are surely celebrating, after the latest numbers showed it zoomed past sputtering Taiwanese PC maker Acer (Taipei: 2353) to take the spot as the world’s third largest PC seller in the second quarter. (Chinese article) But before they celebrate too much, I would advise Lenovo’s leaders to take a good look at what happened to Acer to avoid a similar fate of the former high-flyer. First let’s look at the numbers. According to iSuppli, Lenovo’s PC shipments soared 23 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier, giving it 12 percent of the world’s PC market. That was more than enough to lift it past Acer, whose shipments plummeted 20 percent to give it just over 10 percent of the global PC market. Acer’s story is relatively well known, as its low-price strategy to grab share in tough Western markets from better run rivals Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) and Hewlett Packard (NYSE: HPQ) ultimately backfired and drove the company’s bottom line into the red. Lenovo has seen its sales soar in large part due to its earlier decision to focus on emerging markets, drawing on expertise gained in its home in China where it controls more than a quarter of the market. But it has shown a worrisome tendency recently to buy dying Western computer makers, picking up Germany’s Medion (previous post) and taking over NEC’s (Tokyo: 6701) PC business in Japan (previous post), much the way Acer took over the dying Gateway brand in the US in 2007. Recent signals from Lenovo’s acquisition-happy Chairman Liu Chuanzhi indicated he was strongly considering a bid for HP’s PC business, which HP is trying to sel. But Liu later backed off and said Lenovo wouldn’t enter the race. If true, that would be a smart move for Lenovo, which should focus on integrating its Japanese and German acquisitions and building its emerging markets business to avoid following in Acer’s footsteps.

Bottom line: Lenovo needs to study the case of Acer and avoid overly aggressive ambitions in Western markets to avoid repeating Acer’s recent rapid fall from grace.



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