Apple to China: Sorry, You’re Not On Our List 中国达不到苹果iPad2的水平

Since everyone is writing about Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and its new iPad these days, YCBB is going to jump on the bandwagon and give our quick take on things in China. Specifically, we noted with interest that China was NOT on the list when Apple announced the first 25 countries for the international launch of its latest hot product this week. (English news release) To be fair, no Asia countries were on the list of 25 and only Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore were on the list for the next round of releases in April (strangely, Japan wasn’t on the list either). All this goes to show that China, while full of potential, still probably lacks the sales that these other markets can provide, even though everyone wants to own one. In the shorter term, this could play well to some of the other tablet PC followers, including Korea’s Samsung (Seoul: 005930) and especially home-grown leader Lenovo (HKEx: 992), whose extensive sales network in China could boost the chances of success for its upcoming LePad 2.

Bottom line: China has yet to achieve big-league status in Apple’s eye, leaving the local tablet PC market open to the likes of Lenovo and Samsung.

近来大家都在热谈苹果<AAPL.O>及其最新iPad2,我也难免俗,就谈谈我在中国的观感。首先,中国并不在苹果公布的iPad2美国之外 首批上市的25个国家之列。当然,除了香港特区,任何亚洲国家地区都没能上榜,甚至非常奇怪的是,也没有日本。这说明,尽管中国市场潜力巨大,似乎人人都 想买iPad2,但仍旧没能给苹果带来其他成熟市场那般的销量。短期内,这对其他平板电脑厂商是个好消息,包括联想<0992.HK>韩国三星<005930.KS>。尤其是联想,它在中国精耕细作的销售网络有助於其即将推出的乐LePad2取得良好销售成绩。


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