Baidu: Tidbits But Still No Search Alternatives 百度:干扰不断

There are a few tidbits coming from Baidu’s (Nasdaq: BIDU) Robin Li, who is down in Shenzhen attending an Internet conference along with the likes of Tencent’s (HKEx: 700) Pony Ma. Chinese media have been rattling nearly non-stop about Baidu’s ongoing dispute with Chinese authors, who are suing the company for copyright infringement (if this sounds familiar, it may be because Google is in the middle of a similar lawsuit). Now Li has told the Shenzhen conference that Baidu could get out of the book business altogether (Chinese article), in what would be a welcome move for something that’s become a major distraction without providing any major new revenue. In one other mini-development, local media are reporting that Baidu is considering buying a small English language search engine to improve its English search functions (English article). This seems like yet another distraction that Baidu doesn’t need, but I suppose it’s necessary to satisfy news-hungry investors who want some justification for the sky-high prices they’re paying for Baidu stock.

Bottom line: Baidu should get out of all business lines that put it at risk for copyright infringement lawsuits.

对於百度文库与多位中国作家的版权纠纷,李彦宏终於表态道歉,并且表示如果无法妥善解决,就考虑关掉百度文库。其实,百度文库非但没能带来真正的收入,反而已经成为一大干扰因素,关掉它倒是让各方皆大欢喜。另外,中国媒体报 道百度正考虑收购一家小型英文搜索引擎,以改善其英文搜索功能。这看起来又是一个没什麽实际效果的干扰因素,但百度为了向投资者证明自己奇高的股价,也许总要做些什麽吧。


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