Beijing Plays ‘Father Knows Best’ In Huawei-ZTE Spat 中国政府插手华为与中兴之争

In yet another troubling sign for China’s growing tendency to interfere with market forces, Chinese media are reporting the state telecoms regulator has stepped in to try and “mediate” an end to an intellectual property lawsuit by Huawei Technologies against crosstown rival ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) in Europe, and a countersuit by ZTE. (Chinese article) If these companies were all part of one big state-run family rather than competitors, this kind of intervention would be completely understandable. But considering that China is trying to convince the world it has become more market-oriented, this move seems completely inappropriate for a government agency that is supposed to regulate and not participate in the market. Surely the regulator wouldn’t step in to mediate another ongoing lawsuit between ZTE and Sweden’s Ericsson (Stockholm: ERICb), even though it seems to have exercised some influence by holding up a major merger between Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) and Motorola’s networking assets until Motorola settled another lawsuit brought by Huawei. This kind of intervention, even if it’s just between two Chinese companies, will hardly help Beijing when it complains to other countries that they unfairly discriminate against its exporters.

Bottom line: Beijing’s moves to mediate a resolution to a dispute between Huawei and ZTE will further convince outsiders that China is a long ways from becoming a market-driven economy.



Related postings 相关文章:

Huawei Pounces on Hapless ZTE With Lawsuit

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