China Mobile Wi-Fi Play Misguided 中移动:百万WiFi热点?

China Mobile’s (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL) new wi-fi initiative shows it is finally admitting it needs a good high-speed wireless Internet alternate to its problematic 3G network. According to Chinese media, the company is trumpeting a new initiative that will see it boost its fledgling wi-fi network to 1 million hot spots in the next three years. (Chinese report) While I like that China Mobile is finally admitting it needs a better product to be competitive in high-speed wireless Internet, this latest initiative looks like a good way to spend lots of money with very little hope for serious rewards. I’ve seen too many large-scale wi-fi initiatives with similar goals that have simply failed to find an audience. The problem is, people either want their mobile Internet in individual shops, like a Starbucks or fast food restaurant, or they want a network they can access anywhere. No one seems interested in an in-between product, which is what China Mobile wants to create.

Bottom line: China Mobile’s new wi-fi expansion is good in concept, but will end up a dud just like its 3G network.

中国移动董事长王建宙表示计划三年内在全国增建WiFi热点至100万个,实际上是承认了自己的3G网络存在不足,因而需要用大规模高速WiFi网络来加以弥补。尽管我赞赏中国移动勇于承认不足,但这个”百万WiFi热点”计划却将事倍功半。我见过太多类似的大规模WiFi网络计划,最终都因无人问津而惨遭失败。问 题在於,人们要麽需要在固定公共场所接入无线互联网,比如星巴克咖啡馆,要麽需要在行动中随时随地接入无线网;而对介於两者之间的产品则兴趣寥。而中国移 动计划之中的恰恰似乎是这麽个产品。


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