Sina Gearing Up for Weibo Spin-Off 新浪欲剥离微博

Leading web portal Sina (Nasdaq: SINA) has just announced a number of new moves for its highly popular Weibo microblogging service, often called China’s version of Twitter, that hint at a spin-off in the near future. None of the moves, including the roll-out of a Weibo-specific domain and a new Weibo logo, are very big news individually. (Chinese article) But what they collectively seem to say is that Sina wants to wean this very popular baby away from its parent and let it stand on its own two feet. I’m guessing that as part of the broader plan, Weibo executives will feel some pressure to better manage their own bottom line and find more ways to make money off this service that has a huge following in China, where Twitter is officially unavailable due to censorship. If all goes according to plan, I’d say to look for a Weibo spin off and IPO in the next two years.

Bottom line: Sina is getting serious about spinning off its Weibo business, paving the way for big profits and an IPO in the next two years.



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