Sina Searches for Roots in Google Break 新浪与古歌断交,搜索自己的根

There’s plenty of chatter out there on the news that leading Web portal Sina (Nasdaq: SINA) is cutting ties with Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) by no longer using Google’s search technology. (English article; Chinese article) On the surface, this move is really just the latest example of a Chinese company cutting such ties after Google’s own high-profile exit from China last year. But this also represents a golden opportunity for Sina to get back into search, which was one of its original businesses when it launched as one of China’s first Web portals more than a decade ago. Sina has shown a recent knack for successfully getting into new areas such as real estate and blogging, and as China’s leading portal its also one of the most visited Web sites, guaranteeing it plenty of traffic. Given its strong record lately, I would bet on them to make an acquisition in the search space in the near future and pose the first serious challenge in years to industry heavyweight Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU).

Bottom line: Sina’s break with Google represents a golden opportunity for it to return to the search business and challenge Baidu.

近期有关新浪<SINA.O>与谷歌<GOOG.O>交恶的传言不断,称新浪将不再使用後者的搜索技术。表 面上看,这不过是又一家中国公司在谷歌与中国政府高调冲突後断绝与谷歌的关系。但这对新浪来说,则是它重归搜索领域的绝好机会。毕竟,搜索是新浪在中国的 开山法宝之一。而且新浪近年来在拓展包括地产服务和微博等新业务方面显示了过人的能力。所以,我猜新浪将在不久的将来通过收购重新进军搜索领域,向行业老 大百度提出挑战。


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