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Tag Archives: Baidu
Baidu Company News Baidu 百度, Inc. incorporated on January 2000, is classifed as web services company established by Robin Li and Eric Xu.
Overview of the Chinese high Tech Market by former Chief Editor of Reuters (Doug Young).
Baidu offers many services, including a search engine for websites, audio files and images.
Baidu in Figures
– Ranked 4th overall in the Alexa rankings
– In 2015, Baidu had over 1 billion visits / month
– Baidu offers 57 community services (Chinese encyclopedia, questions/Answers , forums … )
Bottom line: New fund raising by Ctrip and Tujia looks like far more than either company needs, and is part of a broader wave seeing Chinese Internet sites raise big funds to take advantage of strong investor sentiment.
Tujia raises $250 mln
Someone recently asked me why so many companies in China are currently rushing to raise cash, and, after some quick thought, I provided my best answer: Because they can. That seems to be the mentality among Chinese companies these days, including leading online travel agent Ctrip (Nasdaq: CTRP), which has just issued bonds to raise a cool $1.1 billion in new cash that it really doesn’t need. But that statement isn’t completely true, as Ctrip is in another headline that has it joining in a new $250 million funding round for Tujia, China’s equivalent of Airbnb. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: Uber and rival homegrown Chinese hired car services are likely to ultimately get a green light to operate throughout China, providing a much-needed shot of competition to traditional taxi fleets.
Uber plows big bucks into China
Anyone who thought that US hired car services hotshot Uber might be stalling in China might want to reconsider that view, following new reports that say the company has budgeted a cool $1 billion for its China expansion this year. The reports are all citing an internal company email, which strongly suggests that Uber deliberately leaked the message to quash any talk that it might be losing its resolve to push ahead in a China market that is quite difficult but also has huge profit potential.
At the same time, another report is saying that Uber and other providers of similar hired car services could ultimately find their business model outlawed, as a number of cities consider banning or heavily restricting the use of private cars that compete with traditional taxis. I seriously doubt that will happen, however. That’s because Beijing has shown an usual desire to accommodate these newer, high-tech services that have the potential to drive China’s economy in the future as many traditional industries lose momentum. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: A new management-led privatization bid for Homeinns and many other similar recent plans could stand a 50-50 chance of failing if they don’t complete the process before China’s stock market rally ends.
Homeinns joins privatization queue
Leading budget hotel chain Homeinns (Nasdaq: HMIN) has become the latest US-listed Chinese company to receive a buyout offer, capping a record week that has seen at least 4 such bids. In the past, 4 privatizations in a 6-month period would be considered big, even though such bids have been coming at a slow trickle over the last 3 years for Chinese companies whose shares have languished on Wall Street. But that tickle has turned into a flood these last 2 months, fueled mostly by greed, as company owners look enviously at China’s rallying stock markets that have more than doubled over the last year. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: The ongoing privatization wave of Chinese firms abandoning New York listings is likely at or near a peak, with gaming and solar companies as some of the likeliest candidates to make new announcements.
E-House heads for exit door
The exodus from New York by neglected Chinese companies marches on this week, with online real estate company E-House (NYSE: EJ) becoming the latest to receive a management-led buyout offer. At the same time, online dating site Jiayuan (Nasdaq: DATE) has announced that a suitor who made a similar offer for the company in March has sharply raised its bid, following complaints that the original offer grossly undervalued the company.
When the history books are written, the second quarter of 2015 could well go down as the height of a wave of privatization bids for New York-listed Chinese firms, whose shares have languished in the last few years due to lack of interest from US investors. At the same time, many of those companies are casting an envious eye on China’s rallying stock markets, and are almost certainly hoping to re-list at home in the future. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: Beijing’s latest online video clean-up is part of its drive to guide a bigger transition from a traditional TV to an Internet-based broadcasting landscape, with more similar moves likely over the next 1-2 years.
Beijing cracks down on cartoons
It’s been at least a month or two since Beijing’s latest crackdown on unhealthy Internet content, so it should come as no surprise that the morality police have launched yet another campaign, this time targeting cartoons. The latest dragnet has snared video superstar LeTV (Shenzhen: 300104), Baidu-backed (Nasdaq: BIDU) iQiyi and most other top industry players, who are among 29 companies being investigated in this latest web clampdown.
China’s broader Internet clean-up campaign is now actually entering its second year, and dates back to April last year when leading web portal Sina (Nasdaq: SINA) had its video license revoked for hosting pornographic content. (previous post) Since then, nearly ever major video site has been investigated and punished at one point or another, and social networking sites (SNS) like Tencent (HKEx: 700) WeChat have also embarked on clean-ups of controversial content. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: Google could open a Chinese version of its app store by the end of this year and spend aggressively to quickly gain market share, but would face negative backlash from western critics for its U-turn back into the sensitive market.
Google lobbies China smartphone makers to include Play Store
Global Internet giant Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) is reportedly eying a return to China, with plans to launch a Chinese version of its flagship Google Play app store. The move, if true, would mark a major flip-flop for Google, which withdrew its core search engine from China in 2010 after a high-profile spat over Beijing’s strict censorship policies. But as many similarly principled companies quickly discover, China is a market that is simply too big to ignore.
That quandary led top business networking site LinkedIn (NYSE: LNKD) to enter China last year, despite expressing its own reservations about censorship, and top social networking (SNS) site Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) is also lobbying strongly for such a move. Google’s latest campaign comes in a the slightly less sensitive area of app store operation, though even that business would involve some self-censorship to eliminate apps that Beijing might consider sensitive for political or other reasons. Read Full Post…
The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on June 9. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.
Bottom line: Qunar’s latest quarterly results show it will continue to spend aggressively and post big losses as it competes with Ctrip, and reflect the fact that its biggest asset is its majority ownership by the cash-rich Baidu.
Qunar spurns Ctrip, raising cash
China’s highly competitive online travel landscape is rapidly shaping up as a two-horse race, with one group centered on industry leader Ctrip (Nasdaq: CTRP) and the other on up-and-comer Qunar (Nasdaq: QUNR), which is controlled by leading search engine Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU). After Ctrip announced a flurry of major new tie-ups last week, Qunar is fighting back with new fund-raising announcements that include a nearly $1 billion cash injection through the issue of new stock and bonds.
Qunar announced the fund-raising the same day that it released its latest quarterly results, which contained the surprise disclosure that it was approached by Ctrip last month about a merger. It added that it rebuffed the advance, but it clearly needs new funds as its own cash pile remains relatively small and its losses balloon due to aggressive spending. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: Priceline’s new China foray with Ctrip will get off to a positive start, but will run into problems and ultimately collapse due both sides’ inability to gain much from the partnership.
Ctrip boosts Priceline alliance
Just days after global online travel giant Expedia (Nasdaq: EXPE) announced its withdrawal from China, rival Priceline (Nasdaq: PCLN) is moving in the other direction with a significant boost to its partnership with local sector leader Ctrip (Nasdaq: CTRP). I’ve previously been quite skeptical of this particular partnership, after previous similar tie-ups failed due to the fiercely independent nature of Ctrip’s top management. I’m still quite skeptical, though a string of other major tie-ups by Ctrip recently seem to show it’s realizing it needs to be more flexible to fend off the growing threat from fast-rising local rival Qunar (Nasdaq: QUNR). Read Full Post…
Bottom line: The presence of the CEOs of Microsoft and Intel at a Lenovo tech fest in Beijing represent the struggles that all 3 former PC giants are facing, and how each is looking to China in a bid to reverse its slide.
Lenovo, Microsoft, Intel CEOs share stage in Beijing
It’s not often that anyone uses the term Wintel anymore, which refers to the duopoly of Microsoft’s (Nasdaq: MSFT) Windows operating system (OS) and central microprocessing chips from Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) that dominated the computing world for decades. But Wintel was center stage this week in Beijing, in a rare case where the CEOs of both Microsoft and Intel shared the stage with the CEO of Lenovo (HKEx: 992), the world’s largest PC maker, which was holding a bash to launch a wide range of new products.
Lenovo has been steadily hyping this event that finally took place on Thursday, where it unveiled a wide range of new products like a dual-screen smart watch and laser projector smartphone, all of which looked interesting but not too exceptional. I wasn’t planning on writing about the event at all for that reason, until I spotted the photo featuring Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing taking a selfie of himself with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich at the Lenovo Tech World event in Beijing. Read Full Post…
Bottom line: Didi Kuaidi’s IPO could come as early as the fourth quarter, with Hong Kong, China and New York standing equal chances of winning what could be the year’s biggest China Internet listing, worth up to $2 billion.
Didi Kuaidi to list in Q4
Just days after launching a massive promotion to attract new customers to its private hired car services, Didi Kuaidi is reportedly starting the process that could end with a major IPO for China’s largest taxi app operator by year end. Such a development wouldn’t come as a huge surprise, following the company’s formation earlier this year through the merger of 2 bitter rivals to create a Chinese market leader reportedly valued at up to $9 billion.
But equally interesting will be where this fast-driving company chooses to list. Just a year ago the answer would have almost certainly been New York, which is where most of China’s top Internet companies are traded. But a recent boom in China’s own stock markets and a new program that allows mainland investors to buy Hong Kong stocks have made Chinese Internet companies start to seriously consider both of these markets for IPOs as well. Read Full Post…