Tag Archives: Suning

Latest “Suning” Business news & Financial news from a Chinese Market Expert

Suntech CEO Resigns, Haier Hits Jingdong 尚德电力CEO辞职 海尔停止与京东合作

I don’t like to write too much about the same topics in a single week, but I can’t really ignore separate breaking developments at solar cell pioneer Suntech (NYSE: STP) and in the e-commerce space that could be critical for the future of each. In the former case, Suntech has just announced the resignation as CEO of Shi Zhengrong, the company’s founder who was once lauded as a visionary when Suntech became China’s first publicly listed solar panel maker in 2005. (company announcement) In the latter case, leading Chinese home appliance maker Haier has announced it is severing its relationship with Jingdong Mall, also known as 360Buy, as the temperature continues to rise in a rapidly escalating price war that has broken out this week with rivals Suning (Shenzhen:002024), Gome (HKEx: 493) and others. (English article)

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War of Words, Wal-Mart Heat Up E-Commerce 中国电子商务价格战愈演愈烈

I wrote yesterday that China’s big e-commerce names are showing no signs of easing up their fierce battle for market share (previous post), and today we’re getting news bites from industry giant Jingdong Mall and global retail titan Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) that indicate the situation could get considerably worse before it starts to improve. Leading the news today are the latest comments from Jingdong Mall’s talkative CEO Liu Qiangdong, who has suddenly decided that profits aren’t important for his recently established electronics business, at least not for the next 3 years. (English article; Chinese article) Meantime, in separate news Wal-Mart has won approval from China’s regulator for its previously announced plan to boost its minority share in e-commerce firm Yihaodian to a majority stake, meaning we could soon see a major new offensive from Yihaodian in this already crowded and massively money-losing market. (Chinese article)

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News Digest: August 14, 2012 报摘: 2012年8月14日

The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on August 14. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.

  • Focus Media (Nasda: FMCN) Gets Management-Led $3.66 Bln buyout Offer (English article)
  • Canadian Solar (Nasdaq: CIQ) Gets C$93 Mln Loan From China Development Bank (PRNewswire)
  • Phoenix New Media (NYSE: FENG) Reports Q2 Unaudited Financial Results (PRNewswire)
  • Wuxi PharmaTech (NYSE: WX) Announces Q2 Results (PRNewswire)
  • Suning (Shenzhen: 002024) In 8 Bln Yuan Bond Offer as Website Consumes Cash (Chinese article)

News Digest: July 31, 2012 报摘: 2012年7月31日

The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on July 31. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.

  • Suning (Shenzhen: 002024) H1 Profit Falls 29 Pct to 1.74 Bln Yuan (Chinese article)
  • US Lawmaker Asks For Conditions on CNOOC (HKEx: 883) Nexen Deal (English article)
  • Starwood Hotels (NYSE: HOT) Opens First Dual-Branded Ski Resort in China (Businesswire)
  • Canadian Solar (Nasdaq: CSIQ) Updates Second Quarter 2012 Guidance (PRNewswire)

E-Commerce Wars Hit Suning 苏宁沦为电商价格战的新俘虏

Electronics giant Suning (Shenzhen: 002024) has become the latest Internet player to fall victim to China’s bloody e-commerce price wars, issuing a profit warning as companies get set to report their second-quarter results. Suning’s warning shouldn’t really surprise anyone since these price wars have been going on for about a year now. So perhaps the 10 percent drop in Suning shares yesterday — the daily allowable maximum under China’s stock market rules — reflects investor realization of just how bad these price wars have become and fact that Suning will suffer some major profit erosion before the situation finally eases.

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News Digest: July 17, 2012 报摘: 2012年7月17日

The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on July 17. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.


  • Suning (Shenzhen: 002024) Shares Plunge 10 Pct As Website Misses Target (Chinese article)
  • Machinists Union Challenges Hawker Beechcraft Sale to Chinese Company (Businesswire)
  • US Wins WTO Case Over China UnionPay Bank Card Monopoly (English article)
  • Lenovo (HKEx: 992) Aims For Top Global PC Spot This Year, Profits Under Pressure (Chinese article)
  • 360Buy Allies with NetEase (Nasdaq: NTES) on Gaming Sales (English article)


Price Wars Shake Up Travel Sites 价格战或促在线旅游业洗牌

E-commerce leaders like Jingdong Mall, Suning (Shenzhen: 002024) and Alibaba are taking their bloody price wars to the travel arena, where a new round of cutthroat competition threatens to infect this more established industry dominated by the likes of Ctrip (Nasdaq: CTRP) and eLong (Nasdaq: LONG). This new round of price wars could also potentially undermine up-and-comer Qunar, which just last year received a $300 million investment from search leader Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU) but could need even more cash if the sector gets plunged into the same prolonged cutthroat competition now gripping the e-commerce sector.

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News Digest: June 26, 2012 报摘: 2012年6月26日

The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on June 26. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.


Publicis (Paris: PUB) Hit by Stagnant China Ads as Europe Crisis Spreads (English article)

Huawei to Spend $2 Bln on Global R&D Center in India (Chinese article)

Suning.com (Shenzhen: 002024) to Expand Open Platform Beyond 3C (English article)

◙ China Has No Imminent Auto Stimulus Plan, Official Says (English article)

Tencent (HKEx: 700) Non Executive Chairman Andries Roux Dies (Chinese article)

News Digest: June 8, 2012 报摘: 2012年6月8日

The following press releases and media reports about Chinese companies were carried on June 8. To view a full article or story, click on the link next to the headline.


Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ) China Head Steve Gill Steps Down After 10 Months (Chinese article)

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) Said to Add Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU) as iPhone Search Engine in China (English article)

Suning.com (Shenzhen: 002024) to Offer In-Store Pick-Up Nationwide (English article)

Alibaba Open to Temasek, CIC Investment to Buy Back Yahoo Stake (English article)

BYD (HKEx: 1211) Wins European Electric Bus Orders for Netherlands Schiermonnikoog (Businesswire)

Commerce Ministry Weighs in on Price Wars 商务部或对电商领域价格战有所行动

You know things are bad when even your national regulator isn’t optimistic, which appears to be the situation based on comments by a top Commerce Ministry official discussing rampant competition plaguing China’s e-commerce sector. Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to know that China’s vibrant e-commerce industry is in the midst of a series of cutthroat price wars, with new promotions being announced almost daily by the likes of Jingdong Mall, also known as 360Buy, Dangdang (NYSE: DANG), Yihaodian and Suning (Shenzhen: 002024). What’s more interesting here is the fact that the regulator is commenting on the situation, which hints that perhaps it may soon make an attempt to ease the situation — a step that would be consistent with China’s past behavior but also one I would strongly advise against. According to media reports, a top Commerce Ministry official for e-commerce, speaking at an event in Beijing this week, noted that the online retailing space has huge growth potential, with total sales set to pass 3 trillion yuan in the country’s current 5 year plan. But he also noted that companies are using the future to subsidize the present, which has led most major players to sink deeply into the red. (Chinese article) That trend has been all too obvious on company financial statements lately, with Dangdang, the biggest publicly traded player, and newly listed discount retailer Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) both recently reporting big quarterly losses. (previous post) None of this is really news, as these price wars have been going on for nearly a year now. But what’s potentially cause for concern is that the Commerce Ministry is speaking so publicly about its own concern for the sector, since regulators are traditionally supposed to remain low-key and impartial to market developments as long as conditions remain orderly. These comments indicate the ministry may be considering taking steps to cool the competition, perhaps by bringing the major parties together to try and tone down their price wars. Indeed, the very same Commerce Ministry made a similar move last year, when it tried to mediate a patent dispute between telecoms equipment leaders Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063). (previous post) That attempt looked clumsy and inappropriate and I doubt it yielded any results, and a similar attempt to end the rampant competition in e-commerce would most likely product a similar outcome. It’s somewhat understandable that Beijing regulators might want to prevent this kind of destructive situation from getting out of control, which is clearly the case with e-commerce. But experience in the West has shown that government intervention in these situations usually just makes the situation worse, and instead natural market forces are the best antidotes for these kinds of problems.

Bottom line: The Commerce Ministry needs to remain impartial in ongoing e-commerce price wars and let market forces resolve the situation.

Related postings 相关文章:

Beijing Plays ‘Father Knows Best’ In Huawei-ZTE Spat 中国政府插手华为与中兴之争

Dangdang and Gome: Marriage Ahead? 当当和国美:联姻前夕?

Youku and Dangdang: Stuck in the Red 优酷和当当:生存在亏损