Take a Deep Breath: China IPO Flood Looms 中国概念股又一春?

Western markets may be tanking on worries about Japan’s ongoing nuclear crisis, but you’d never know it from the number of Chinese firms lining up to make new US IPOs. We’ve already reported here on upcoming offerings from the likes of net security firm Qihoo 360, video sharing site Xunlei, online group buying site Lashou and social networking site Ren Ren. Now Chinese media are reporting that a mobile security provider called Netqin and social networking firm Kaixin001 and another net company called 21ViaNet are all moving towards their own U.S. offerings. The sudden scramble is probably due in part to the end of the Western and Chinese year-end holidays, during which most activity grinds to a halt. So this would be the spring for offerings to begin anew, so to speak. I’d be surprised if more than half of these do make it to market this year. But even if just 5 or 6 of the big names do get there, look for investor fatigue to start to set in by autumn toward these China net firms.

Bottom line: The sudden surge in IPO activity by China tech start-ups could leave investors feeling tapped out, with later-to-market firms offering potential good buys.

现在又有媒体报 道,手机安全软件公司网秦、社交网站开心网(kaixin001.com),以及网络公司世纪互联都在筹备美国IPO。
于是在2011年春天扎堆而来,成就了“中国网络股又一春。” 说实话,如果这些公司今年能有一半成功在美国IPO,我就会感到惊讶了。

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